Christmas on the brain
pIt’s Ainsleigh’s first Christmas and that is a pretty important time for parents. Of course she doesn’t understand presents or wrapping paper quite yet but we still had to get her some goodies.
The other day she took a look at the Toy R Us website and picked out a few items.

A few of her baby friends have these fun tables that work really well for sitting in a little bumbo type seat or for when they begin to stand so I thought I would get one, little did I know how many there were out there. Will and I went to TRU one night and looked all of them and then came home and read some online reviews and finally decided on the “
style=”width:415; text-align:center;” align=”center”> div style=”width:415; text-align:center;” align=”center”> div style=”width:415; text-align:center;” align=”center”>pI also wanted to get her something like a laptop since she loves to bang around on mine so much (I figured since its a work issued laptop, I probably don’t want to let her ruin it), a friend of mine had the “
pAt this point I really wanted to be done since we are getting some photos taken on Saturday and we are not wealthy people, but I saw this deal on a baby blog that I read and just had to get it. Will and I saw this set at Costco a while back and thought it was so cool, but totally not worth the money so I brushed it off and never thought about it again. Then Cyber Monday came along…and voila! “
pSo now all that is left is to finish decorating our Christmas Tree, get some photos with Santa, create and mail out Holiday cards, oh and fly across the country with a 6 month old for our second whirlwind West Coast Tour.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
My how times change. When you were small it was all about dolls, pull toys that made noises, rocking chairs, etc. With all the hi-tech toys available, all the babies will be computer whizes by the time they are 7 years old. Of course your baby with two “nerds” as parents will have to be really, really smart.BR/Love you,BR/Nana Jean