Reflections on 2018 Word of the Year

I was a resolution girl before 2018…you know the type. Make all the resolutions and goals and then forget them by the end of February.
I changed things up a bit with a word of the year in 2018 (you can read more about my 2018 word of the year here).
I wasn’t sure how it would turn out but that word circled in my head all year long. It reminded me all year to do MORE. Oddly enough it wound up being my company’s theme for our annual convention and other events. Which really helped cement in the idea for me all year long.
The word helped me to push myself in all areas of my life this year.
I pushed myself to more
More adventures
- we traveled (DC, New York, San Diego, Santa Cruz, & Monterey were just a couple of stops we made this year) , we explored so many places and ideas, we did a ton of home projects and those were certainly adventures.
More hugs, laughs, kisses & love
- one thing I can say for our family is that by being more focused on time together and creating a more peaceful home environment has really helped us to enjoy the time we do have together. We ended the year with an incredible trip just the five of us and I see us becoming a more cohesive family unit.
•More dreaming
Something I never used to do was truly include the kids in our future plans and goals. This year we really started dreaming together as a family. Where do we want to go together, what do we want to achieve. Currently my kids want to buy a big farm and have a boatload of barn animals-not sure all dreams will come true for them but I guess you never know.
•More dance parties
- some epic dance parties…including rocking out to Kelly Clarkson with some of my BFF’s
•More walks to the bus stop
- and this one my kids have learned that if they wait just long enough…I will drive them…so I should change it to more carpool lines
•More giving back
- I have really tried to focus on this idea in more ways than one. Learning that I do not have to give money to give back, I can give back in so many ways and know that I will continue to work on this area for years to come.
•More date nights
- well we should try for this even more, we did have a few but our focus on family time limited date nights.
•More Pilates and running
- I actually earned a year long membership for my Pilates studio! WOO HOO! so I have committed to being at Pilates 3-4 times a week. Running is a love hate thing for me. I love doing it but my hips and back just don’t always cooperate…I will continue to work on this.
•More perfectly imperfect moments
- so many of these, far too many to count, but the point of this was to learn to appreciate all the moments with my littles, my husband, my family, and friends. Losing my Grandmother this year really helped this one hit home. All the moments are important, especially the imperfect ones-those will be cemented in your memory for years to come.
In 2018 there was more…
I am so looking forward to doing a word of the year again for 2019. Stay tuned to find out more about my 2019 word of the year.

Let’s hear your word of the year…what word are you choosing? Haven’t found one yet, check out this great list shared on Elizabeth McKnight’s Blog
2019 Word of the Year Ideas
- Abundance
- Adventure
- Align
- Authentic
- Available
- Aware
- Balance
- Become
- Better
- Bless
- Bold
- Breathe
- Bright
- Calm
- Celebrate
- Centered
- Challenge
- Change
- Commitment
- Compassion
- Confidence
- Connect
- Creativity
- Cultivate
- Daring
- Dedicated
- Delight
- Devotion
- Discipline
- Distance
- Dream
- Embrace
- Emerge
- Empower
- Expansion
- Express
- Faith
- Feast
- Fit
- Focus
- Forgiveness
- Foster
- Free
- Friendship
- Glow
- Giving
- Grace
- Gratitude
- Grounded
- Honesty
- Hope
- Humility
- Integrity
- Intentional
- Intuition
- Journey
- Joy
- Kind
- Learn
- Listen
- Love
- Magnify
- Meek
- Mindful
- Motion
- Nourish
- Nurture
- Organize
- Passion
- Peace
- Permission
- Persistance
- Play
- Polish
- Power
- Present
- Progress
- Radiant
- Recovery
- Relationships
- Release
- Reset
- Resolute
- Rise
- Risk
- Savvy
- Service
- Simplicity
- Slow
- Smile
- Space
- Sparkle
- Strong
- Teach
- Thrive
- Tranquil
- Whole
- Yes
- Zen
- Zest
I would love to hear your word of the year, have you done this before, how did it help you focus through the year and your plans for 2019.