Happy Birthday Christine!!!
Twenty-eight years ago, an angel was brought into this world, just for me. A person who, despite my selfishness, loves me for who I am and is infinitely someone who inspires me and devotes herself to everything but herself. Today, my beautiful wife, is your day. This is your day to take for yourself; to ask for whatever you want and get it. Happy Birthday!
I hope you get what you wish for.
I Love You
Christine Hull
ahh thank you, that was very sweet. What a great husband I have!
Happy Birthday girlie! I hope it’s wonderful and love-filled!!
Happy Birthday “Sweet face”! You’ve accomplished so much in your 28 years and I am very proud of you. May you always be blessed with the riches of God’s blessings.BR/Love,BR/Nana Jean
Happy Birthday Christine! Hope you have a great day!
Hope you had a good Birthday. Nick and I were thinking about you yesterday. Didn’t want to call late. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!BR/Love, BR/Nick and Nicole