Memorial Day Weekend = Swimming!
div class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;”In Virginia, Memorial Day is the official start of summer since the pools are allowed to open (we have laws about when pools can be open and that lifeguards must be on duty at all pools, even our little community pool). br /We have been very lucky that since we moved here we have had access to a pool, but it wasn’t until we had Ainsleigh that we have used the pool more and more. This weekend we went TWICE!!!br class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;””We had a great weekend full of naps, good yummy bbq dinners and play time with Miss Ainsleigh. On Sunday and Monday mornings we headed over to the pool, we can walk there. Ainsleigh immediately knew what we were doing once her swim suit came out, she was thrilled and didn’t want to leave the pool. Our pool has a shallow kids pool that is fully fenced in so the kiddos can play and parents don’t have to worry about them running into the big pool. She likes to go back and forth between the big pool and the little pool. She and Will took swim lessons together this spring (and I did homework). I was so proud of how much more confident she has become in the pool and even better she told me when she had to go potty so no accidents in the pool.
We couldn’t be happier with what a great swimmer she is becoming! We see a lot more pool days in our future.
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So happy Ainsleigh likes the water and will be a good swimmer as she grows. She can help teach her sister/brother to /Love youbr /Nana