She’s 6 weeks old already
Ainsleigh is 6 weeks already. We started our vacation on her 1 month birthday and she has changed so much and really gotten to be such a fun little baby while we have been visiting family.
Will and I have gotten into a routine and we are both so sad to go back to work soon (him next week and me in three weeks). We will be leaving her with a woman who lives around the corner from our house and takes in a few kids. We found her through the state childcare license department.
Yesterday on her 6 week birthday we went with my dad, step-mom, sister and nephew to take some family photos. She gave us a ton of smiles and we were able to catch a few on camera. She now smiles for Will and I most of the time when we talk to her.
Ainsleigh is still a really good sleeper, we are praying this doesn’t change and has really done well with all the traveling. She has been incredibly patient with all the people who want to hold her and now has a wardrobe that rivals any other little girl, I would imagine.
We are incredibly grateful for all the family and friends we have been able to see on this trip and will miss being around friends and family (even though we are all very tired and will be happy to be in our own beds and be with Toby and Tess again).
So here are a few photos of Ainsleigh and the family.
Our little family
Along with smiling, she has recently discovered how fun kicking her feet can be
With her cousin Jackson
Jackson and Ainsleigh with two of their many grandparentsbr /(neither of these kids will ever be spoiled-ha ha ha).
I miss her sooo much. Oh, I miss you guys too. Please come back. I can’t wait until the holidays. BR/-Jamie
Will Hull
I miss her too and I am only at work. Glad we could visit with you Jamie.