A while back you may remember that Will promised a lot of videos to come of our little Miss Ainsleigh. Life seems to have gotten away from us and we haven’t had a chance to upload or post lately. So here are a lot of videos of our little munchkin.
Here is some video of her saying her favorite words (and showing off her belly button-kinda)br /object height=”360″ width=”580″>/object
this video is of her spinning, she recently started this and its pretty cute, she does make herself dizzy more times than /object height=”360″ width=”580″>/object
lastly, her favorite thing to do in the mornings when my mom is in town is to jump all over Noni’s bed. br /object height=”360″ width=”580″>/object
Thanks and I hope we will have a lot more of these movies soon. She is growing so fast and learning so much. Good job!br /Love,br /Nana