Birthday Bonanza at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD
pLast week on Thursday, a very important event occurred. Yes, we will acknowlege that two very important celebrities passed away, but that is not what I am talking about. Last Thursday, our little girl, our bundle of joy, our happiness, Ainsleigh turned 1 year-old. It was a great day. We spent it in Maryland at the Inner Harbor at the “
Ainsleigh was on the best behavior the entire day. Well, almost. About twenty minutes from home, she had had enough and decided to breakdown on us in the car and not stop until we walked in the door around 5:30 or so. We ate lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe that was a part of an old power plant during the industrial era. Inside the Hard Rock Cafe they had memorabilia from Axl Rose, Elvis, and an old 60’s Cadillac with the license plate that said “God is my Co-pilot.” Ainsleigh ate tomatoes, avacados, animal crackers, chicken, etc. She is starting to eat really well; when she wants to. At the aquarium, Ainsliegh was infatuated with the bubble tubes; probably because she could touch them and attempt to walk between them while holding on to both at once. We even caught a dolphin show for an extra $3.00 per ticket. We didn’t have to get a ticket for Ainsleigh (maybe because they knew it was her birthday). The only negative part of the day, which we expected was that we had to check our stroller at the door, because there were escalators and narrow walkways. So Christine pulled out the “
Below are a couple pictures that we took while on holiday in Baltimore. div style=”CLEAR: both; margin:0 auto; PADDING-LEFT: 2.5em; WIDTH: 500px; TEXT-ALIGN: center” align=”center”>