It’s Official – I Have My Masters
pSomething came in the mail today. Pretty inconspicuous and ordinary. It was an envelope that said, “Do not bend.” It must have been important.
So I opened it.
div style=”text-align:center; margin-top:.5em; margin-bottom:.5em;” align=”center”>pI guess this validates all of those long nights, reading and writing paper after paper on the idiosyncrasies of public administration, just to prove myself and pay my dues.
“Did you pay your dues, Jack Burton? Yes sir, the check is in the mail.” – Kurt Russell in Big Trouble Little China.
In short, I’m happy.
Congratulations! It#39;s a pretty neat feeling to get that in the mail. Getting the student loan bills – not such a good feeling. But getting official documentation of all your hardwork is awesome!
Huge congrats! That#39;s awesome. What an accomplishment =)
Will Hull
Thanks. It does feel pretty good.