Such a grown up girl
span style=””first it was the booster seat, then it was climbing down the stairs by herself…this week a big girl bed. Its been a pretty busy 2010 for Miss Ainsleigh Madelynn! /spanbr /span style=””br //spanbr /span style=””Will and I are so proud of her, she has gone to sleep with no problems in a big girl bed for three nights in a row!/span
Does she stay covered pretty well? I know you said her room is /br /Concerned Nana
Grandma Goo
Hi Christine, I can#39;t beleive she is big enough for a big girl bed. I don#39;t know if you have heard, but Jeff is going tobe a daddy around the 1st of May. A daughter is on her way! He is so exccited about this. Love Sharon
Christine Hull
yes she does stay pretty covered, but she#39;s also wearing double pj#39;s at night, one cotton set and then a fleece jumper. br /br /Sharon I did hear about Jeff, I am so happy for them. I actually need their address so I will email Jill for it.