
38 week update

Well at this point almost 39 weeks, but here is our little update.

Wednesday was my last day of work (I did have to go in on Friday to finish up some grades because we had some severe weather-including a tornado and lost power at the end of the day).

Thursday I had my 38 week check up and the baby has dropped even more and is still facing backwards like a good girl. Her heartbeat was good and the midwife felt that things were moving along perfectly, so we should be meeting her within the next two weeks.

I am really hoping she comes on her own and I don’t have to be induced. I will start taking daily walks with the dogs because they say walking helps.

So now I just wait, I guess this is a good time to clean up the house (its too hot outside to be out too much) and just spend some quality time with Toby and Tess.

I will probably make some dinners to freeze so we have food when we get home from the hospital.

So overall we are playing the waiting game at this point. Will plans to update the blog as soon as we can once the baby arrives.

Christine Hull

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